HI guys!! Ok. I. Am. Super. Excited. Right. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is it that obvious?!
Ok. I don't know how many of you know or follow Project Runway - but those of you who do know how amazingly fantastic it is that it's back on air!! :) For those that don't here's the story - you see Bravo (the channel it used to appear on) I believe still had the rights to air the show - well Lifetime (the channel it will now be on) wanted to air it. They got in this big fight and it looked like no solution would come. BUT IT DID!!!!
so that means. . . . . . .
I love fashion so much (it's one of my hidden loves!) So now I get to oogle and drool over all the wonderful creations that will be made, and watch it with total green eyes!! But every Thursday I'll have a small blurb of my reactions and soon my fav. contestant! I hope you guys watch it too!!
I'm a huge Project Runway fan. I'm so glad the wait is over! Enjoy the show tonight. :-)
You too!!! I can't wait till it's in the season and we can start fighting over who has the best design! :)
Let the games begin!
OOOOOOOOOOOH I knooooooow!!!!!!!!!!
My favorite winner PR been Christian!
Hahaha yeah! I totally agree!
I like Project Runway but i prefer Project catwalk lol x either way i'll probably still watch it x
I've never watched it! Must see if I can find it on a Sky channel somewhere...
Sasha - what is project catwalk? What channel is that on? Now I have to watch it too X)
Sara - I hope you do!! I don't know what Sky is though :P
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