I feel like the title for this next review fits my feelings for the second book quite well. In-fact I was thinking today about what I should write about it. I am still very much frustrated with the author. I learned not to long ago that she was (or is) a fan fiction writer for Harry Potter. That makes sense to me, not having read any of her Harry Potter books or reading about her. As it is, I found that it interfered with the story so much so it almost became distracting to me. It kept popping up and making me think of the series (its plots and characters) that I would often find myself getting off track and having to re-read what I last read. It will amuse you soon, because I just checked out a book from the library dealing with Harry Potter and all his "fans". Anyway I don't want to completely bash the book. It was good for all it was worth. Although I have a nagging feeling about Jace and Clary's relationship. I keep hoping it wont be true, that maybe someone was lying....Igomen hinted at it. I was about to jump out of my seat and yell "I KNEW IT!" but sadly it didn't happen as such.
The problem I'm finding is that I can't remember the beginning of the book, and that is not good. I can tell you the beginning of other books just fine, and I haven't read those in a year or two. I sit here scrambling in my brain, pushing aside the thoughts of today's activities so I can think of the beginning but I can't. Ha! I just remember :)
Ok, so this is how it begings....
Lord Voldermort, oh wait I'm sorry...Valentine got some foolish warlock to open a portal and summon the most fear causing demon Aragom. Sadly for the warlock the demon's power deals with finding the person's fear and making it come true....so for the warlock that meant the demon coming through his (warlock's wards) and killing him. Valentine becomes happy when the demon has killed the warlock and is now under his control. Hmph, I lost the plot again. The book was good, but if I'm having problems remembering the plot, then it might not have been that good.
To sum it up and not give away any twists it was basically:
1) more feelings between Simon and Clary (almost to the point that it was like "ugh this part again"
2)More feelings between Clary and Jace (which i hope the story behind them is NOT true)
3) more feelings b/w Alec and Magnus (which i admire the author for writing about)
4) SLOW MOVING PLOT WITH SOME FAST ACTION TO MIX IT UP, this made it SO HARD for me to read the book at times. I must've put the book down at least 3840384389 times saying "UGH this book needs to move faster, its too slow.." or "am i there yet?!?!"
I will say this, I am interested in the 3rd book. I read on Books and Other Thoughts that it is due out soon, good. I must say though, that as far as winding character connections and motives this book does quite well. I just wish it was so "Harry Potter" cluttered sometimes.
City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare. Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing 2008
I really didn't have that problem with the book at all - the characters were so different, and I saw that relationship thing coming a mile away. It will be interesting to see where it goes. I think it is more similar to the episode iv Star Wars in plot, but maybe that's just me! I'm very much looking forward to the third one. We'll see what sort of love/hate relationship you have with that! :-)
Hahaha, I did see the relationship thing coming too....but I found too much Harry Potter "static". But I too am looking forward to book 3!!
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