It's 1:41 am here and I find myself surfing the many interesting blogs I haunt. And I always find these interesting challenges. I, personally, love to challenge myself whether it be learning a new language or trying to remember math from way back in the day.
So I have been on the fence about one challenge (I don't know how to sign up/post reviews) which I found on Allison's blog. The other one I just came across tonight on Meggin's blog.
For the post on Allison's blog click here! ( ONLY FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST!)
For the post on Meggin's blog click here! (TIME LIMIT IS YOUR OWN!)
Yay, you're doing the challenge! Thanks :) As to the time limit, mine is the January 1st, seeing as it's a LOT of books to read (26, but x is cut out), but you set your own, as long as it's within a year :)
I will find an X ;) Within a year huh. OK :) So I have until August 3, 2010! YEAH!!!!
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