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The Love of my Life <3

The Love of my Life <3

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Hi guys!! My posts (for awhile) will be a bit sporadic. I recently had a little boy so sleep has been on the back burner, even reading too. I'll slowly be reading - although I'm trying to quickly read Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side before it's due on Monday - we shall see. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.

This is my son :)


Briana said...

Adorable!!! :) What's his name?!

♥ Lisa ♥ said...

He is beautiful! Congratulations.

Meggin (Serendipity Reviews) said...

Aw, he's so cute! *gushes over adorability* Congrats :)

Oh, you're reading Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side? Is it good?

margaret said...

Bri - Thank you!! His name is Vincent Anthony.

Lisa - Thank you :)

Meggin - The book is fantastic!! I haven't stopped reading which has been really hard when he's up and crying. I'm almost done with it and it has surprised me (in a good way).

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! Enjoy the time with your little boy. :-)

margaret said...

Thank you! I'm enjoying every minute!

Julie said...

Congrats! He looks so amazing! A timeless and precious picture and I love his name.

margaret said...

Thank you so much Julie!!

Amanda said...

He's beautiful! :)

margaret said...

Thank you Amanda :)

Kinnie said...

hey margo Vincet is soooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!! I hope you can come down with him and viset with him

margaret said...

You bet I will Ms. Kin! He's grown so much since that picture!! And he will grow some more until you see him! He's getting so big so fast!! :)

margaret said...
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