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Monday, March 28, 2011

Once Upon A Time Challenge...

I love challenges, and I never complete them which is always a disappointment. So, I'd like to complete this one.

The artwork is just amazing and breathtaking and kinda looks like where I live: DARK, COLD, and SNOWY. I picked this one because the poop of red made me feel a bit warmer.

This contest is being hosted by Stainless Steel Droppings. This is his site, and this is the site for the challenge.

I'm going to do "Challenge the Second" which entails:

"Read at least one book from each of the four categories. In this quest you will be reading 4 books total: one fantasy, one folklore, one fairy tale, and one mythology. This proves to be one of the more difficult quests each year merely because of the need to classify each read and determine which books fit into which category. I am not a stickler, fear not, but I am endlessly fascinated watching how folks work to find books for each category."

For mythology I'm going to read Metamorphoses by Ovid - which I should have read last semester. :P I haven't decided what my others will be.


Sometimes when I get a book, I like to think about the title and how it fits with the story. A few times, while reading a book, I'll have the "AH so that's how the title works with the book" moment.

There are other time were I like to understand how the cover of the book works with the story of the book. This was one of those cases. Before I started reading the book, I studied the cover. Liker her first book Hex Hall, the cover features image standing in front of a body of water with another image pointing back. The second image happened to be her wearing a wedding dress. "What", I wondered, "could possible happen in this story!?"

Now if you haven' read the first book, please do so, and secondly - don't read the remainder of this post. I might let something slip and I'd hate to ruin the book for you.

Last year at Hex Hall was a hectic one with Sophie trying to solve a mystery and also save her friend for ruin. Now summer is upon them, and for the first time in YEARS Sophie's dad wants to spend time with her. She agrees to go to London if Jenna tags along. If you recall, Sophie wants to go through the removal because she saw how terrible demons can be and doesn't want to take the risk of one day going mental (I heard Ron Weasly's voice when I wrote that!)

Her dad though, wants her to first get to know her demon side before she completely removes it. And besides, what could possibly go wrong on a trip where you spend the WHOLE time in London! I'm jealous that they could!!!

All that glitters is not gold, and with in days of landing things begin to take a turn for the worst. First the two demons that they meet have been getting them into trouble, and they don't even know who created them. That is not good, because that means that someone is rising demons - which will make The Eye want to destroy them forever.

That's not all. Before they left for London, Sophie found out that she is betrothed to Cal! How can she possibly marry Cal if she still as feelings for Archer - well does she still love Archer? Or like him? Maybe tolerate Archer? She doesn't know what she's going to do. But one things for sure, she has to help her father solve the mystery and save all of Prodigum.

This book was awesome. There were parts were I just could not stand to wait till I got to the bottom of the page to find out what happened. I did not want to put the book down to walk the dog or do my homework. Who wants to do homework when you have an amazing book just waiting in your backpack?

I also enjoyed the character development of Sophie. She was more mature and patient, you could tell she had grown. ALSO she had amazing references that made her more personal.

Books in this series:

2) Demonglass

Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins (c) 2011.

*This book was sent to me by Authors on the Web so that I could review it.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Undead and Unemployed

This is my very first book which I read on the nook and I really enjoyed it! I found reading on the Nook to be very enjoyable and easy when I was trying to put my son down for bed. I only needed one hand to hold the Nook and flip the pages.

We first met Betsy in Undead and Unwed where her life had just completely changed. Or is that "unlife"? Now it's 3 months later and she starting to get everything back on track.....sort of. She still has to deal with Sincalir and that whole 'Queen of the Dead' thing, not to mention she now has to find a job.

She doesn't want to live off of her best friend, Jessica's money. So what job will allow her to work nights? She finally finds her dream job working in the Macy's shoe department. That does sound like an amazing job, although I'd probably get fired quickly for all the shoes I'd try on.

Life seems to be going pretty well for her until she finds out her little house had a termite infestation. And there there's the problem that people are now trying to kill vampires and are now after her. So between dodging bullets she has to fix the termite problem, solve who's trying to kill her and why, solve the mystery of the little girl (where is her mother), and avoid Sinclair. Easy right?

I loved how sassy Betsy was and how she always had a comment to make about someone. Plus she reads J.D. Robb too! I wouldn't mind if she were my friend. But I wonder how she'll feel, when 780 years from now, Mark and Jessica are dead. Will she bring them over? I guess I must continue to read!!

Books in this series:

2) Undead and Unemployed
3) Undead and Unappreciated
4) Undead and Unreturnable
5) Undead and Unpopular
6) Undead and Uneasy
7) Undead and Unworthy
8) Undead and Unwelcome
9) Undead and Unfinished

Undead and Unwed by Mary Janice Davidson. Penguin Group, 2004.
Format: eBook from Barnes and Noble.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I have many fun reviews coming up! AND I just bought an NookCOLOR! :)

Stay tuned.... reviews are soon!